Rasied 7.5 Lakhs for Educating Children working as Labour

Rasied 7.5 Lakhs for Educating Children working as Labour

  • Campaign Name: Brighter Futures: Rescuing Children from Labor, Nurturing Dreams
  • From: Save The Children
  • Campaign Commencement Date: February 1, 2023
  • Campaign Completion Date: April 2, 2023
  • Campaign Goal: 7,50,000

Campaign Description:

With profound gratitude and immense pride, we share a heartwarming success story that reflects the power of collective compassion. Our NGO, “Save The Child,” is elated to announce the triumphant outcome of our campaign, “Brighter Futures,” which has raised an inspiring sum of 7.5 lakhs rupees. Through your unwavering support, we have extended a lifeline to children working as laborers in shops, illuminating their paths with education, protection, and hope.

A Commitment to Child Welfare:

“Save The Child” is committed to safeguarding the well-being and rights of children. The “Brighter Futures” campaign emerged from our conviction that every child deserves access to a nurturing childhood, quality education, and a chance to dream beyond their current circumstances.

A Life-Altering Goal:

Your generous contributions have enabled us to reach out to children who were laboring in shops, deprived of the joys of childhood and education. Our goal was to rescue these young souls from labor and provide them with the gift of education. The funds raised have been pivotal in ensuring their enrollment in government schools, thereby giving them the foundation to build a brighter future.

Holistic Support:

The impact of “Brighter Futures” is not just limited to admission into schools. Your support has facilitated comprehensive assistance for these children:

  1. Education Support: Your contributions have opened doors to education, offering them the chance to learn, grow, and dream beyond their present circumstances.
  2. Uniforms and Supplies: We’ve provided school uniforms and essential supplies, ensuring that these children can participate fully in their educational journey.
  3. Nutrition and Clean Water: With your help, we’ve ensured access to nutritious food and clean water, nurturing their physical well-being.

Partnering with Give For It:

The realization of our goal was made possible through the extraordinary online platform “Give For It.” In just 4 months, the collective efforts of “Save The Child” and the support of compassionate donors, like you, have transformed the lives of these children. We extend our heartfelt thanks to “Give For It” for providing us with a platform to turn dreams into reality.

A Note of Appreciation:

To every donor, volunteer, and supporter, we express our deepest gratitude. Your belief in the cause of child welfare has made an indelible mark on these young lives. Your kindness goes beyond monetary value; it signifies a shared commitment to nurturing the potential within each child.

Empowering Dreams:

As we celebrate the successful completion of the “Brighter Futures” campaign, we recognize that our journey has just begun. By investing in education, protection, and well-being, we are nurturing a generation of change-makers, dreamers, and future leaders.

Continuing the Journey:

We pledge to continue our unwavering dedication to children’s welfare. The path ahead may be challenging, but with your ongoing support, we are confident that we can create a society where every child thrives, every dream blossoms, and every potential is realized.

A Heartfelt Thank You:

In concluding this chapter, we extend a heartfelt thank you. Your support has illuminated the lives of these children, transforming their futures and creating ripples of change that will resonate for years to come. Together, we are building a world where every child’s potential is nurtured and celebrated.

Thank you for being a beacon of hope and change for these children.


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