Short Story

“Introducing the ‘Save Cows Campaign’ by Varsha Foundation: A beacon of hope for abandoned and suffering cows. These innocent beings, victims of neglect and cruelty, deserve dignity and care. Join our movement to rescue, rehabilitate, and raise awareness about the plight of cows. Your donation makes you a crucial part of their healing journey, ensuring they find sanctuary and compassion. Together, let’s rewrite their stories from pain to hope, making a world where every cow is honored and loved.”

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Donate for Food and Shelter to Varsha Gaushala

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Goal: 1,000,000.00
Minimum amount is ₹101 Maximum amount is ₹1000000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Cause : 

The condition of these poor cows is miserable and pitiable. They are the victims of a very cruel fate. They are left on the street by their owners when they grow old and stop giving milk, or when they are injured or ill. These innocent and harmless animals roam around in search of food, bearing the brunt of the weather and being insulted, caned, and even pelted with stones. Some even meet with fatal accidents and others groan in pain due to severe injuries waiting for medical attention. The life of these cows becomes miserable.

The only thing these cows are guilty of is being born. They do not deserve to be treated in such a cruel manner.

About us:

‘Varsha Foundation’ is one of the caring Gaurakshashala of desi cows in Uttar Pradesh. We protect, feed & shelter ailing, starving, destitute, and stray desi cows majority of which are abandoned by their owners or saved from butchers. Most of these Gauvansh are milk barren. This gaushala is run and managed by a dedicated team. We do not sell milk or milk products. We started with just 10 cows presently we shelter and feed more than 500+ cows We are registered with govt. of india.

In a world where compassion for all living beings knows no bounds, we stand united to make a difference in the lives of those who cannot speak for themselves. The heartrending tale of cows being cast aside after years of dedicated service has moved us to take action. The “Save Cows Campaign” is our resounding response, a rallying call to rectify this injustice and extend a lifeline to these gentle souls who deserve dignity, care, and compassion in their twilight years.

The “Save Cows Campaign” is more than an initiative; it’s a movement of empathy and responsibility. We refuse to let cows, who have given so much of themselves, face neglect and abandonment. Our mission is simple yet profound: to rescue these magnificent creatures from suffering and grant them a life of serenity they rightfully deserve.

Our Vision:

At the heart of the “Save Cows Campaign” lies a vision of a world where every cow is honored for its contributions and treated with the reverence it deserves. No longer will we allow these sentient beings to be discarded like mere commodities. Through tireless efforts and unwavering dedication, we aspire to create a paradigm shift in how society views and cares for our bovine friends.

Campaign Objectives:

  1. Rescue and Sanctuary: Our foremost objective is to rescue cows from situations of neglect and abuse. Through partnerships with animal sanctuaries, we will provide a safe haven where these cows can rediscover happiness and experience the gentle touch of human care.
  2. Healthcare and Rehabilitation: Each rescued cow will receive comprehensive healthcare and rehabilitation. Our team of veterinary experts and compassionate caregivers will work tirelessly to nurse these animals back to health, ensuring their physical and emotional well-being.
  3. Promoting Ethical Choices: The “Save Cows Campaign” isn’t just about intervention; it’s about prevention. We will collaborate with schools, communities, and businesses to promote plant-based diets and ethical consumer choices, reducing the demand for products derived from exploited cows.
  4. Education and Awareness: Our campaign aims to raise awareness about the plight of cows and the inherent cruelty in their mistreatment. Through workshops, seminars, and educational materials, we’ll engage hearts and minds, fostering a culture of empathy and respect.
  5. Community Involvement: We invite individuals, organizations, and businesses to join hands with us. The “Save Cows Campaign” is a collective effort that empowers people to be the change they wish to see. From volunteering at sanctuaries to organizing awareness events, everyone has a role to play.

Your Role:

By donating to the “Save Cows Campaign,” you become an integral part of this transformative movement. Your contribution will directly impact the lives of these cows, providing them with sanctuary, care, and a chance at a life worth living. With your support, we can ensure that no cow is left behind, and every animal knows the warmth of compassion and the joy of a life well-lived.

Join us as we embark on this journey of healing, redemption, and change. Let us show the world that in our name, cows will find protection, solace, and the love they’ve always deserved. Stand with us in the “Save Cows Campaign” and let your voice be heard for those who cannot speak for themselves. Together, we can rewrite their stories, replacing pain with hope and indifference with love.



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