Raised Rs. 5.80 Lakh for Old Age Home

Raised Rs. 5.80 Lakh for Old Age Home

  • Campaign Name: Old Age Home Maintenance
  • From: Apka Ashiyana Charitable Trust, Bijapur
  • Campaign Commencement Date: 20/10/2021
  • Campaign Completion Date: 02/02/2022
  • Campaign Goal: 5,80,000

Campaign Description:

With heartfelt gratitude, we extend our deepest appreciation for your unwavering support. We are thrilled to share the inspiring news that we have successfully accomplished our goal within the stipulated timeframe. The “Nurturing Home” campaign, led by Apka Ashiyana Charitable Trust in collaboration with Lok Vikas Seva Kendra, stands as a testament to the incredible power of unity, compassion, and shared commitment to creating positive change.

Celebrating a Milestone:

It is with immense joy and a profound sense of achievement that we announce the successful culmination of the “Nurturing Home” campaign. Thanks to the collective generosity and support of individuals like you, we have raised more than 6.5 lakhs for this noble cause. The speed at which the crowdfunding goal was achieved speaks volumes about the remarkable community we have built together.

About Apka Ashiyana Charitable Trust and Lok Vikas Seva Kendra:

Formally established under the Trust Act in March 2017, Apka Ashiyana Charitable Trust, Bijapur, was born from the vision of a group of young college students and experienced social activists. In partnership with Lok Vikas Seva Kendra, a renowned organizing NGO with a legacy of impactful initiatives, we are united in our mission to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need.

Our Collective Efforts:

The heart of the “Nurturing Home” campaign lies in providing a dignified and caring haven for 250 elderly individuals in our community. Your invaluable support has been instrumental in the realization of this vision. Together, we have not only raised funds but also ignited hope and promise in the lives of our cherished senior citizens.

Empowering Lives:

Your contributions have done more than just fund a campaign; they have transformed lives. The elderly residents of our home are experiencing the positive impact of your kindness, as they are now receiving the care, comfort, and companionship they truly deserve.

United by Compassion:

Your involvement in the “Nurturing Home” campaign goes beyond financial contributions; it exemplifies the power of collective empathy. By supporting this endeavor, you have shown that when we come together for a common cause, we can create real change that resonates deeply within our community.

A Heartfelt Gratitude:

To our cherished supporters, we offer our sincerest thanks. Your belief in our mission and your generous contributions have been instrumental in achieving this remarkable milestone. Every contribution, irrespective of its size, has played an integral role in our success.

A Continuing Journey:

As we celebrate this accomplishment, we recognize that our journey is far from over. We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing a nurturing home for the elderly and extending our impact even further. Your support continues to be the driving force behind our endeavors.

Together We Thrive:

The success of the “Nurturing Home” campaign underscores the power of collective action. Your support has not only raised funds but has also inspired hope and change. As we move forward, we are honored to have you by our side, ensuring that our shared vision becomes a lasting reality.

A Grateful Farewell:

As we conclude this campaign, we do so with immense gratitude. Your support is a beacon of light for our elderly residents, illuminating their lives with care, compassion, and dignity. Thank you for being an essential part of this transformative journey.